mi theremin and the blinking lights
Oscar, the Theremin Hispano webmaster, has noticed my site and is exposing his Spanish-speaking readers to my theremin-building adventure here. His theremin blog, “Mi Theremin,” is located here.
In other news, check out what I found while digging through my mom’s old stuff at grandma’s house:

I think the sound-responsive lights could add some new dimension to the visual spectacle that is the operation of the theremin.
Aside - Speaking of visual spectacle, anyone see Gabby La La recently? She is touring with Les Claypool, saw her at Toad's Place in New Haven, CT two nights ago. She busted out with the theremin, and had a mean Theremin duel with Les (on bass obviously). Her music is very fun, I guess she is primarily a sitar player, and she excelled with the all-star musicians she was with. Her site is here.
Thank you for linking me too :)
I'll see what happens with the terrible-translation link at my page.
BTW, I would like to know excatly which materials do you usea and which measures they are, in order to be easily reproduced in the future.
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